Step by step landscaping; how, who, what, where do we start?

Over the last few years, you may have ideas of renovating your garden. Then, after the many questions of how, who, what, where do we start, the practicalities of a beautifully landscaped garden is put away  again until next summer.

Start with a list. Write down the ‘uses’ for the garden. How will you be using the space? Do you entertain often or just need family space. Will you want a spa, a trampoline, a shed, a glasshouse, productive garden, lawn. Consider how many car parking spaces, include the trailor, caravan or boat space. Do you prefer a long-line clothesline or rotary – or none at all. Include any fantastic ideas you may have seen before or dream of having and never thought would be possible – ok, a tennis court or lap-pool may be impossible, but a badminton lawn and a spa might work!

Once you have your ‘wish list’ of desired spaces and uses for your garden, look at the most logical places for these and the easiest access. For example, the barbeque area near the kitchen and dining, however if the space is too far away, I can guarantee you will hardly use it!

The next most import, is to start with the utilities and structure. There is no point developing your new terrace patio and garden when the retaining wall will need replacing in 5 years’ time. Get the experts in to have a look. Most tradespeople will be happy to have a chat and let you know a general cost so you can work out if it is worth doing.

Each area can be worked on separately to budget for, but it is always best to start at the back and work towards the front. Have an overall plan of everything, so there will be continuity in your project and all the pieces will work together in the end.

For advice on how, who, what and where to start, and an overall plan, I can come and have a look and a chat and let you know your best approach and help with problem solving. Call Leisa at Leaf Landscape Design on 0274 156555 or go to the website at

Picture: Trident Homes Dunedin showhome, Owhiro River development, Mosgiel. Landscape design by Leaf Landscape Design in 2019.
