A Balanced, beautiful, bubble-garden.

The last weeks can be summed up in two words: life balance.

This is not a new phrase and one that the world has been trying to teach us for decades, along with ‘wash your hands’. But now, suddenly, we realise the importance of those words.

For most, spending the last six weeks, forced to do everything inside your “bubble”, has highlighted how important the function of your home sanctuary is. One of those functions, is being able to get outside into your own landscape and enjoy space, fresh air and sunshine to balance the time spent indoors.

Simple pleasures at home enhance your home-life. Balancing nature in your garden to generate it’s own eco system of birds, bees and butterflies. A small plot to grow your fresh, clean vegetables. An organic, living space that is user friendly and peaceful.

We are fortunate and blessed in the south, to have generous sized sections. Even an inner city small property often has room for an outdoor table, an easy garden and a shed. Many homes often have the capacity to increase the overall living space by up to 50% with clever design of the outdoor areas.

Let’s look at how we can re-create and regenerate a more beautiful garden for you. A fresh approach to improving outdoor living and enhancing your indoor views, to bring nature further inside your bubble. Every day enjoy the safety and comfort of your own home and improved garden and enjoy a new life-balance.