Why we love to be surrounded by plants

During this quiet time of winter, I have been reflecting on why us beings on earth feel such a strong need to be surrounded by plants.  

For centuries there has been the knowledge of the essential need for plants as food, and the vital link they provide in the world’s food chain.  

There is also much talk of the impact plants have on climate change. All plants store carbon dioxide which prevent it going into the atmosphere. Also, most of our modern day medicines are derived from plants. Aspirin is one, made from Willowbark, used for centuries and still to this day. 

Look around you. The newspaper you read, the table, cotton curtains, building frames, many of your clothes,  are produced from plants.  

When we delve a little deeper, we consider the world’s water cycle. Transpiration from plants assists the water to return to the clouds to create rain and cools the earth.  Plants support other species, creating an incredible home of biodiversity. Plants create soil through decomposition and supporting hundreds of species in the processs. Plants also reduce erosion with their roots holding the soil together. 

What about the direct and personal effect of plants on ourselves? Plants give us oxygen, essential to our existence. We feel connected to nature when surrounded by plants. Even to nurture and grow one plant gives us an incredible sense of achievement and love for that plant.  

Our connection with plants improves our mental health, reducing stress and anxiety. This is called Biophilia “the innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings”. Plants can also improve concentration and productivity by up to 15%. 

So there is little wonder why we feel so good looking out the window to the garden or the distant hills and trees. Why we are uplifted with joy by the ability to keep one houseplant thriving and burst with pride when we grow a tiny seed into and beautiful flower or vegetable. And why every house I visit as a landscape designer, wants a garden!